Tax Credit Consulting


When looking at different ways to increase your bottom line, it is essential to evaluate how you can take advantage of certain tax incentives. In fact, it is so important that the federal government, as well as states, is using tax credits to incite investment, conserve energy, and encourage innovation.

Our tax specialists have years of experience and industry knowledge to help you assess whether an incentive fits into your tax plan and your particular situation. Because we understand that every business is different, we take the time to learn about you and your goals to provide you with the best results.


Free Review & Eligibility

We instantly analyze your business operations and its correlated costs to determine whether you qualify for tax credits.

Potential Tax Savings Analysis

We estimate the value of the incentives and determine whether they are consistent with your business’s goals and objectives.

Consulting & Guidance

We offer consulting and guidance for tax credits that you may need more assistance with.

Implementation & Thorough Documentation

We draft all the necessary tax credit documents to properly structure the transaction that will help you take advantage of tax credits. In addition, we ensure careful documentation of your tax credit qualifications in order to meet the burden of proof.

We help you with several types of Tax Credits:

  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Enterprise Zone
  3. Business Healthcare
  4. Affordable Housing
  5. New Markets
  6. Empowerment Zone
  7. Cost Segregation Analysis
  8. Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD)
  9. Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
  10. R&D


Most of these tax credits are highly complex; having the right skill set is imperative in ensuring they are reviewed and implemented correctly. In fact, some of these credits will need to involve engineers, architects, and lawyers to ensure they are meeting the requirements of certain credits since some are industry specific and will require vast amounts of knowledge in that industry. That’s why you can be confident in our team here at Gregory, Roman & Associates. Our knowledgeable and diverse team has the necessary skill-set and industry experience to maximize your tax savings.

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